tirsdag 1. mai 2012

10 week deadlift routine

In this deadlift program we will gradually build up volume for 6 weeks, and then we will gradually back off the volume to hit a big PR. We will deadlift once per week.

Each vorkout we will start by working up to a single with 85% of our PR.
For a 200 kg deadlifter this might look like the following:

100 kg x 1 rep, 120 kg x 1 rep, 140 kg x 1 rep, 160 x 1 rep, 170 x 1 rep.
This stays the same for all 10 weeks.

Now we will raise the bar to just below the knees, either by pulling from the rack, or more preferably by putting the pates up on blocks. This is where we will do our volume of lifting. We will use the 85% of our 1RM that we built up to on the normal deadlift. To get an idea of the type of movement I am talking about, here is Andy Bolton performing the movement:

We will do the following sets and reps each week. Some of you will recognize this as adapted from the 1976 russian squat program. Do not worry if some of the days you can not get all the reps. Just do extra sets to get the reps in.

Week 1: 6 sets of 2 reps.
Week 2: 6 sets of 3 reps.
Week 3: 6 sets of 4 reps.
Week 4: 6 sets of 5 reps.
Week 5: 6 sets of 6 reps.
Week 6: Increase the weight by 5-10kg. 5 sets of 5 reps.
Week 7: Increase the weight by 5-10kg. 4 sets of 4 reps.
Week 8: Increase the weight by 5-10kg. 3 sets of 3 reps.
Week 9: Do only the regular deadlift at 85%.
Week 10: Pull a new PR!!!