onsdag 27. juni 2012

Three days per week bodybuilding template

You will notice that i list 5 sets of 10 for a lot of exercises. This is just ment as an average. In all honesty i dont't like to count sets and reps. My approach is usually one or two sets to work up to my maximal weight, and then a couple of back-off sets. this usually end up being about 5 sets of 10, but it could just as easily be 8,6,6,12,12. It does not matter.

Day 1 - Legs

Squats: Work up to a maximal set of 6 reps. If you feel strong do some triples also. Finish with a backoff set of 20 reps.

Leg press: Leg press pyramid. Add one plate per side each set and do sets of 20. When you can not do 20 anymore, you work your way back down by taking off one plate per set.

Leg extention: 5 sets of 10.

Leg curl: 5 sets of 10.

Stiff legged deadlifts or good mornings: 5 sets of 15.

Standing calf raises: 5 sets of 10.

Seated calf raises: 5 sets of 15.

Day 2 - Chest, shoulders and triceps 

Bench press: Work up to a maximal set of 6 reps. If you feel strong do some triples also. Finish with a backoff set of 20 reps.

Incline dumbell press: 5 sets of 10.

Incline flyes: 5 sets of 10.

Dumbell shoulder press: 5 sets of 10.

Side lateral raises: 5 sets of 10.

Rear lateral raises: 5 sets of 10.

Dumbell french press: 5 sets of 10.

Cable triceps extentions: 5 sets of 10.

Cable overhead triceps extention: 5 sets of 10.

Day 3 - Back and biceps

Deadlift: Work up doing sets of 5,4,3,2,1. If you feel good, you can do more singles, or a back-off set for high reps.

Barbell rows: 5 sets of 8 reps.

Chins: 5 sets of as many reps as you can do.

Some type of row where you can hold the contraction for a second or two, like a cable row: 5 sets of 10.

Pulldowns: 5 sets of 10.

Barbell curl: 5 sets of 10.

Hammer curl: 5 sets of 10.

Concentration curl  5 sets of 10.