fredag 1. juni 2012

Lee Hayward-7 Week Deadlift Cycle.

I found this program in the T-nation forums.  Looks very similar to the old westside deadlift program. The weights are a little higher in this program, and there is a deload and a max attempt. Looks good.

Week one: 70% - 15 sets of 1 - rest one minute between sets
Week two: 75% - 12 sets of 1 - rest one minute between sets
Week three: 80% - 10 sets of 1 - rest 90 seconds between sets
Week four: 85% - 6 sets of 1 - rest 90 seconds between sets
Week five: 90% - 3 sets of 1 - rest two minutes between sets
Week six: Rest (no deadlifting)
Week seven: try for a new max deadlift. Rest as long as you need in between sets