søndag 11. august 2013

Bill Starr 20 rep program

This program that focus on single reps, was explained by Duane Hansen in a thread on the Power & bulk forum.

Start with a light weight. Press it for 5 singles (rest about 1 minute between sets).

Add 10 pounds (or 5kg) to the bar and do another 5 singles.

Add 10 pounds (or 5kg) again and do 5 singles.

By now you have done 15 singles with some easy weight. Now,

Do several (4-6) singles; add 5-10 pounds (2.5-5 kg) to the barbell before each of these singles. By the end of this scheme, you will have done a lot of reps with medium weights and worked up to a fairly heavy single. The trick is that you should repeat this workout in a few days but start with a barbell that is 5 pounds (or 2.5kg) heavier. Over time you will start with a heavier weight and finish with a heavier weight, but you will also get a lot of practice with pressing heavy weights.