fredag 10. februar 2012

Heavy ab work

From an excellent post by StormTheBeach at the t-nation forum:

Front Squat Holds: Load the bar up with as much weight as you can unrack like you are about to front squat, then hold it for 8 to 10 seconds, then put it down. If you think this doesn't sound horrible, try it. I've done over 600lbs for 10 seconds and it left me bed ridden for 2 days... in a good way

Blast Strap Fallouts: I like doing them standing just cause it is a lot harder. Start on your knees and stretch as far as possible. When you can get 15 straight, try for 5 from standing. Do however many sets you want.

Very Heavy Side Bends: I mean like out of a landmine attatchment with 300lbs on the bar for sets of 3-6. Always go as heavy as you can hold onto.