lørdag 7. januar 2012

Bench Press Program

Bench press:
Do singles and go as hard as you can, but you must never miss reps, and you must keep a strict 1 sec pause in the bottom position.

I prefer to base the weights on how i feel on a particular day, but for those who need a guideline in this area, I recommend the following:

Start by working your way gradually up to 5 singles, 85% of 1 RM.
If this goes smoothly, add 2.5 kg and do 3 more singles at this weight.
If this also goes smoothly, you can use this weight as the starting point at next weeks session.

Remember that the focus of this exercise is on perfect technique and not on the weights.

Bench Press - Touch and Go:
You start in week 1 with a weight that you can do 6 reps with.
Increase the weight by 2.5 kg per week until you are down to 3 reps. At this point, continue to increase 2.5 kg, but to get the number of reps up, you switch the exercise to a 1-Board-Press. You then continues to increase 2.5 kg per week until you are back down to 3 reps. At this point, add another board to reduce the Range of motion even more. When your weights get down to three reps on the 2-Board-Press you can start the program over again, or go on to do something else.

On this exercise you will work gradually up to your top set planned for the day, then drop the weight by 10kg and do two sets of as many reps as possible.

JM Press: 3 sets x 5 reps

Dumbbell Press: 3 sets x 12 reps

Triceps Push Down:
3 sets x 10 reps