søndag 15. januar 2012

Technique - Speed - Apeshit

A setup for workouts that I like a lot is the TSA-setup, or as the headline says the Technique-Speed-Apeshit-setup.

Let us use the deadlift as an example to describe each phase of the setup.

Work up to 6 beautiful singles with as much weight as you can do with beautiful form.
Many will find it beneficial to wave the weights so that you do 3 progressively heavier sets, then drop back down and do 3 more sets. For a 250kg deadlifter it might look like this:


Most times the lifter will stop the technique phase of the workout at this point, but if the lifter feels great, there is nothing wrong with doing another wave.

In the Speed phase you will reduce the weight and continue to do explosive singles . When it comes to weights and reps, i recommend these old school westside cycles. Note that on deadlifts you must never yank the weight off the floor. You should always squeeze it off the floor and then explode. Try to keep your rest periods to around 30 secs.

Now it is time to, as Vincent Dizenzo would say, SMASH FUCKING WEIGHTS.
Pick an exercise that is close, but different to your main lift, And go all out.
This is in essence the westside Max-effort method. I like to work up with sets of 5-6 to get more of an hypertrophy effect. I will then let how I feel on that particular day decide how low I go on the reps. If the exercise feels crappy I might quit when I can no longer do 6 reps. If I feel really good, I might go all the way up to a PR single. Another good way to decide the reps is to just throw a dice.

Let us continue our example with the 250kg deadlifter. For his Apeshit lift he picks the Deficit deadlift and does the following sets:

The exercise feels good so he keeps going up
220x1 PR lift on this exercise so he quits here.

After the Apeshit phase of the workout you should just do some hypertrophy training for the muscles that are relevant to your main lift.