torsdag 29. desember 2011

Anthony Ditillo - Bench Press Program

This is a bench press program described by Anthony Ditillo in the article
Increase Your Bench Pressing Power

He describes a program he set up for a friend who had stagnated at 90kg in the bench press.

Exercise 1: Press behind the neck

A little unconventional start to a bench press programe, but ditillo says that this gives a better feel for the subsequent bench press since the shoulders will be nice and warm after the press. If you get shoulder problems from press behind the neck you can do millitary presses instead.

Start with triples or singles at around 65% of 1RM and increase by 10 kg per set until you get up to a heavy single for the day. Do not be afraid to cheat a bit by pushing a little bit with the legs of the heaviest sets.

Exercise 2: Bench Press

Start with triples around 75% of 1RM and increase by 5 kg per set. When the triples get too heavy, start doing singles. work your way up to 3 singles on the heaviest weight you can for the day.

Exercise 3: Rowing with barbell

Start with strict rowing for 3 reps per set with about 75% of the heaviest triples you think you can do. Add weight until you fail to do strict triples anymore. Then go over to a slightly looser version and continues to increase the weights by 5 kg per set until you can do no more.

Exercise 4: Press behind the neck

We go back to the press behind the neck and do 2 sets of 10 reps

Exercise 5: Bench Press

Again, we do 2 sets of 10 reps

Exercise 6: Rowing with bar

2 sets of 10 reps

Ditillos friend is said to have increased his bench press 30kg on this program